
 梅田に向かって電車に乗っている途中、約1ヶ月ぶりに予期不安に襲われた。ソラナックスを飲んで何とかしのいで阪神百貨店の地下で昼食を摂れた(こうして阪神電鉄グループに金を落としてそれがクビヤン等の優良助っ人害人獲得に使われる)。ダメな時は食事も摂れなくなるのでちょっと冷や汗。最近は投薬間隔も10時間から12時間と長くなりつつあったのでちょっと油断したかな。まあ、あせらずに少しずつ治していこう。こんな時に聴く曲は、oasis「Little by little」。
Little By Little/She Is Love

We the people fight for our existence
We don't claim to be perfect but we're free
We dream our dreams alone with no resistance
Faded like the stars we wish to be

Y'know I didn't mean what I just said
But my God woke up on the wrong side of His bed
And it just don't matter now

Little by little we gave you everything you ever dreamed of
As little by little the wheels of your life have slowly fallen off
Little by little you have to live it all in all your life
And all the time I just ask myself why are you really here?

True perfection has to be imperfect
I know that that sounds foolish but it's true
The day has come and now you'll have to accept
The life inside your head we gave to you

oasis公式サイトより転載 http://www.oasisinet.com/site.php

